Click on the Season to see a listing of the episodes and synopsis. You can also click the direct link to the episode. You will also find an ever changing sneak peek of what is being prepared for upcoming seasons.

Season 1: Israel

(Premiered 2020)

01: Mount Carmel - A Fire Roasted Druzel of Carmel

We kick off the TV series the same way we kicked off our Instagram Live TV series... on Mount Carmel. But this time we have more visuals of Mount Carmel and a sample of the food and people you can expect to enjoy when you visit the mountain. In this one we also have fun picturing Elijah and the Israelites that came to Mt Carmel to watch the Fire Test between Jehovah and Baal...but which Baal? There's a lot to learn and laugh at in this one!

02: Jerusalem - Huldah Onto Your Traditions

Our first, but certainly not our last episode in Jerusalem. This historic city is at the center of the crossroads between traditionalism and modernism. So we start by jumping into a largely traditional person...the prophetess Huldah and her husband Shallum. Very little is know about them from the Bible, so we have fun with the Jewish traditions that revolve around these two and how their reputation of hospitality has continued in Jerusalem today.

03: Capernaum - Synagogues and Fishing Monologue

It's Capernaum! We have visited this site so many times and there are so many things we could talk about. But we thought we would stick to the basics with an overview of some of the finds and visuals from the area. Then, just like Jesus, we cross to "the other side" to get ourselves something to eat in the modern Golan Heights.

04: Tube Hostel - We Are In For A Bleating

It's sheep verses goats in this episode geared for kids. In our typical style, we don't worry about deep parallels or prophetic types...we just talk about what makes them similar and also different. All in a way that will help you see why they were such good illustrations and representations for types of people.

05: Be'er Sheva - Well Of A Tel

We are at the ruins of Tel Be'er Sheva, and while you would think we are talking about Abraham, that's just the beginning. This one focuses on King Jehoshaphat and all the great work and time he spent in this city. And when we finish with the ruins, we head to a great hidden gem to catch a sunset and spend the night.

06: Hippos Susita - Hungry Hungry Hippos

Hippos means horse! But it also means we are talking about pigs. Confused yet? We are in the Decapolis city talking about the time Jesus helped a man riddled with a Legion and try and bust a popular misconception about pigs. Then we head to the Golan for a great bite to eat and a chat with a local restaurant owner.

07: Ein Harod & Hill of Moreh - Heads Up! It's Gideon

It's time for a visual from the area where Gideon camped with his men, along the springs at the base of Mount Gilboa. We have a lot of fun with the account and getting inside the head of Gideon, who had a very long and frustrating day.

08: Mt Gilboa - Endor-ing Story Of Saul

The first king of Israel's last day. It was a busy and tragic one. We tie this one together with the previous episode about Gideon by going from Mount Gilboa to the skies above the valley. We head up in a hot air balloon to help you visualize the Jezreel Valley between Mount Moreh and Mount Gilboa.

09: Hezekiah's Tunnel - Give A Cake, Save A Life

We are in Jerusalem and this one is all about Hezekiah! One of the best known kings of Israel. We walk you through the tunnel he had built to bring the waters of the Gihon to the pool of Siloam. Then we sit in his administration center to discuss the amazing fig and why Jehovah may have directed it be used to heal him.

10: Timna Park - Blood Sweat & Volun-tears

When we think of the tabernacle, we tend to focus only on the items within it, and not the many people who volunteered their time and energy to put it all together. So that's what we do this week as we take you from the Tabernacle replica in Timna Park and then to Red Canyon for some quiet relaxation.

​11: Banias - Naturally Doubtful

We are in Banias, or as it is known to Bible readers, Caesarea Philippi. This week we show you the beautiful nature reserves of the north and talk about the scribes of the 1st Century and their attempts to sow doubt in the disciples thinking.

12: Timna Park & Eilat - Wisdom Is Not Anemone

The Bible says that wisdom is precious as corals...so we talk this week about a couple of Kings who didn't always guard this treasure...then we go swimming in the Red Sea coral reef on the shores of Eilat.

13: Khirbet Qana - Cana Have Another Glass

We are in Cana, but not the traditional site with all the churches. We make the hike in north of the Netofa Valley to show you the real Cana. And then talk about Jesus first miracle and, of course, wine, as we head north to Dalton, the home of some great wineries.

14: Maresha - Asa-mashing Good Idea

It's King Asa this week! We pick up the account midway through his reign from his arrival at Maresha until his death. After his initial cleanse of the land from idolatry he found himself at Maresha facing some crazy odds. After taking you around the Greek era Maresha, we jump to the Kidron Valley in Jerusalem and then back again.

15: Yafo - Get To The Joppa

We head to the old city of Yafo this week. Where, among the city scape we talk about what might have happened at the start of the Jewish-Roman revolt of 65/66CE.

16: Qeiyafa - Archeology & The Bible

This is our Live On Location program. We cut some stuff and add some others, so you'll still get a different experience as we take you through the thinking of archeologists as they excavate and debate. This episode is meant to help you get a crash course in the role of the excavations and the role of the Bible when it comes to archeology. And why the slow approach is always the best approach.

17: Haifa - Season 1 Recap

It's a clip show! We finish off Season 1 with a look back at some of the clips we cut and insight into some of the research.

Season 2: Israel

(Premiered January 2021)

18: Tel es-Safi - Pain In The Gath

We are at the ruins of Tel es-Safi, or as it is known in the Bible...Gath! The hometown of Goliath. But we aren't talking about him, we are recounting the time the Philistines took the Ark of the Covenant and the very painful results.

19: Mt Tabor - Making Up With Sisera

This week we take you throughout the Jezreel Valley with the many geographic changes to the Barak and Sisera account. We then finish at Mount Tabor, the site of the epic battle that saw Jehovah use the natural forces to secure a win for Israel.

(19B...and Map Episode)

20: Jordan River - It's Not About Naaman

This week we are taking you to various stops along the Jordan River, north and south of the Galilee. And we talk about Na'aman and the time he took a bath. But don't worry, the episode is not about Na'aman...so who is it about? You will have to wait till the end to find out!

21: Jerusalem - Trouble Brewing

It's the Beer episode! We take you through the Mehane Yehuda market in Jerusalem at night and talk about the three times in the Bible that beer is mentioned. There is a pattern...and there is a reason...and is an entertaining time to be had when there is Trouble Brewing

22: Mamshit & Moa - Camel Riding Myrrh-Maids

We are in the desert talking about a few of the groups over history who developed the incense and spice routes and how it shaped Israel through the centuries.

23: Ein Avedat & Mt Hor - Deserted But Not Forgotten

We take you through the Wilderness of Zin in this one, retracing the steps of the Israelites during the Exodus. Among them, the stop where the nation said farewell to their High Preist Aaron.

(23B...and Map Episode)

24: Bethsaida & Mt Arbel - How The Gang Got Together

How did Jesus meet the group that would become the 12 Apostles? Well we have fun and jokes in store as we take you from Bethsaida to around the lake and up Mount Arbel to view the area that pictured in the lives of these men.

25: Jerusalem - Pilate-ing A Disaster

We take you around Jerusalem to the various areas that Jesus was taken on the day of his death. And we do so by jumping into the minds of Pontus Pilate and Caiaphas, among others.

(25B ...and Map Episode)

26: Haifa - Jews Your Ingredients

It's that time of year! Passover and the Memorial of Jesus death. And so we try our hand at a cooking show to bring you some recipes with the ingredients of the Passover meal, and of course, some wine.

27: Geshur - When The Moon Hit's Your Eye

For those who enjoy researching ancient religions, we have a ton of jokes and fun as we simplify how these ancient cults came about. It is simple and fun and you wont need a note pad to remember it all, just maybe a big pizza pie...

28: Mt Hermon & Hula Valley - Hermon Does The Hula

You could also call this one the Transfiguration and Bird Migrations. We show you the snow capped Mount Hermon and then where the run off goes, to the streams of the Jordan River and into the Hula Valley, Israel's first nature preserve.

29: Hazor - Mostly Armless

We take you from the Israel-Lebanon boarder near the Biblical Waters of Merom, down to Tel Hazor as we talk about war. Why did it seem like the Israelites were often outmatched in war, but how did their attack patterns actually give them the edge. We jump in and talk about a weapon that was mostly 'armless.

30: Ein Gedi & Ein Arugot - Ein No Valley Low Enough

We are going through the Dead Sea wilderness to show you some of the great little hiking trails and water holes to cool down in on a hot spring day. And talking about the time King Saul got a little "relief" right in front of David and his men.

31: D'Or & Shikmona - Shellfish Ambition

We are heading along the coast to show you some beautiful blue water and sky along the Mediterranean Sea. We jump in and talk about two ways the Canaanites influenced not only the Israelites, but also us today. And we even flash back to Episode 2 with some extra details about Huldah.

32: Mt Carmel - Season 2 Recap

It's a clip show! We finish off Season 2 with a look back at some of the clips we cut and insight into some of the research.

Season 3: Cyprus & Israel

(Premiered July 2021)

33: Haifa & Kittion - Here's Shipping At You, Kit

We keep up the crash course in all things Canaanite with an episode about their world renowned ship building skills. And it wouldn't be a complete episode about the extent of the ships of Kittim without taking you to Kittion, Cyprus!

34: Amathus & Tomassos - The Mighty Flighty Aphrodite

We pick up where the moon god episode left off, exploring how natural phenomenon got explained through the gods and goddesses of Cyprus. And how do we know that fertility goddesses weren't always about lewd ambition.

35: Kourion - Whole Lotta Shakin Goin On

One of the best preserved sites in Cyprus, this was a hub of competition and rivalry, until the whole place got quite shook up. We contrast the Roman Cypriot culture with the Christian Cypriot culture seen through our favorite half-Cypriot: John-Mark

36: Paphos - Is THIS Your Card?

Get the note pad out for this one! We are jumping deep into Jewish history and tradition as we take a fun look at the showdown before the Proconsul Sergius Paulus between Paul and Bar-Jesus.

37: Choirokoitia & Akamas - Short People Got No Reason

Perhaps the earliest settlement on the island is shrouded in mystery, or is it? It gives us an interesting look into early life in Cyprus. Then we head through the wonderous nature of the island to leave no doubt why people loved this place.

38: Nicosia & Limassol - A Tale Of Two Countries

For forty years this Island has been torn in two by conflict between Greek and Turkish factions. We take a look at how it has shaped the modern country and culture. And then see how it compares to the culture of the Biblical Cypriots like Mnason.

39: The Troodos Mountains - Stepping Into Somewhere

We had so much to see and film in Cyprus that we added an extra episode. Going through the small villages of the Troodos mountain range reminded us of the great love and hospitality shown by the brothers who sailed from Cyprus to Antioch in the 1st Century. An act which kicked off a whole series of events.

40: Salamis - Barnabas, Me & Mark Makes Three

It was the launching pad for Paul's first missionary tour and so is a great place to take a look back at his time with Barnabas. And reflect on how that first trip would have gone and all the qualities Paul would have learned in his time with him his friend.


41: Zorah & Ashkelon - Long Suffering Patience

We are back in Israel and take you from the Biblical cities of Zorah, Timnah and Ashkelon as we talk about the father who needed strong patience and faith in dealing, Manoah.

42: Caesarea - Phil-ing The Need

It's our Live On Location only it's not. We focus on a man all about the ministry, Philip, and how his assignments went from regrettable to unforgettable.

43: Negev Desert - An Introduction to Wandering (Part 1)

You might be surprised to find out that few, if any, have attempted to map out the Israelites 38 years of wandering. This is why most maps are vague and filled with question marks and absent pins. This episode is the introduction to the history of Exodus research, why the maps don't change, and how we researched and developed our own map.

44: Negev Desert - Wandering Where to Go (Part 2)

You don't rewrite history in a 30 minute episode. Meaning part one goes from our starting point to Hor-Haggigad. With striking visuals, interesting finds and connections, this hour long episode will explore Moses thinking and style of travel as the Israelites shifted from migration to nomads.

While our route and map are largely speculative...by the end of the rabbit hole, you may just be convinced!

45: Negev Desert - Wandering Where to Go (Part 3)

We then take you from the frist Jotbathah to Zalmonah, with an overview on Punon and Oboth.

This one takes us a long way from the traditional maps, but you may just agree, it seems to make sense. From the Edomites to the farewell to Aaron on the top of Mount Hor, this one hour wrap up will have you wondering how we are the first to find this route.

46: Tel Dan - How Now Holy Cow?

Why would King Jeroboam choose the city of Dan as the home of his golden calf? What has archeology taught us about the Danites? It's a spin off of our original Live On Location that will give you some great visuals of one of our favorite places in Israel.

Season 4: Turkey

(Premiered January 2022)

47: Antalya & Perga - We Missed The Mark

It was the entrance to Asia on the first missionary tour, and the exit point after a long rough trip. At Salamis we considered why Barnabas would have defended Mark, now, let's jump into Paul's perspective.

48: Troas & Assos - NOW Can We Eat

How would you feel if you actually bored someone to death? Well, while they are checking to see if there is a doctor in the house, let's jump into Paul's head as we go from Troas to Assos in this episode that shows comedy truly can come from tragedy.

49: Antakya & Seleucia - Just A Little Off The Top

It's Antioch of Syria and the hub of first century Christianity! But it was also the hub of heated debate, so we jump into the mind of a well known congregation elder when he was told to take a little off the top.

50: Hattusa & Yazilikaya - No Spite Hittite - Part 1

There is so much known about the Hittites, yet, so little said. Their fingerprints of influence are all over Bible accounts, so let's start with a crash course in this empire and their effect on Abraham.

51: Laodicea & Colossae - Timing Is Of The Essence

On this one we will take an angle you won't see coming. We won't even give spoilers, let's just say, this is already one of our favorite scripts.

52: Antioch Pisidia, Konya & Lystra - You Can Always Come Home

You know us, we love to turn your mental picture upside down and inside out. And with this episode, buckle up, you'll never look at Timothy the same way again. And don't get me started on his mother...

53: Ankara - The Galatian Situation Implication

For hundreds of years the question of "who were the Galatians?" was simple. But scholars of the last 100 years have kicked off a great debate. We show you this modern capital of Turkey, and ancient capital of Galatia, and take you into the two sides of this simple question with no easy answer...who were the Galatians that Paul wrote to?

54: Şanlıurfa & Harran - Adapted And Adopted

From the city of Abraham's family to the Euphrates and back again. From Abraham to Jacob, we talk family dynamics and two girls caught in the middle, Zilpah and Bilhah.

55: The Pontic Mountains - Black Sea, Black Tea

It's Biblical Pontus! It was the home of Aquila, but we only talk about why he probably never returned home. But we do consider another notable person who likely did make their way through the region, after repeated efforts of course.

56: Sardis, Thyatira & Philadelphia - The Gold Standard

Jump into the history of three congregations from Revelation, and be a fly on the wall when they receive their letter from John. Although the ruins get progressively smaller, the standard gets progressively higher in this episode all about good illustrations.

57: Alacahoyuk & Gordion - The No Spite Hittite - part 2

We are back travelling through the Hittite cities. We take you to Sapinuwa, Alacahoyuk, Eflatun Pinar and Gordion. So, yes, this one is packed full of information! How did Noah's curse on Canaan come true with regard to the Hittites? How does the 130 year long chronology debate affect the story around a famous Biblical Hittite like Uriah? …buckle up, we are jumping in deep for this one.

58: Izmir-Smyrna - Into The Weeds

The letter to Smyrna said to buckle up, rough times were coming. So as the last apostle John died, how did his friends fight against the tide? And how do we benefit from their contributions to Biblical scholarship? Let's head into the thick of it.

59: Pergamum - Put It In Neutral

The more you understand the culture, the more you understand the challenges of living in this city as a Christian in the 1st Century. To the point where some may have justified their situation thinking, "But do they know where we live???"

60: Ephesus - Back To Basics

We take a jump back to when the congregation received their letter in Revelation and a walk down memory lane on all the hospitality and love they had previously shown.

61: Troy - Stop Horsing Around

One of the most legendary battles in history was in the category of myth for centuries...until they found the city. This created problems for the Egyptian Chronology which assumed it to be a myth. As such, the Battle for Troy now completely changes past understandings of the "Greek Dark Age" and the development of the Greek gods and goddesses. Get out the note pad and pen as we explain how archeology set chronology and how they got it wrong.

62: Tarsus - Paul In The Family

Paul's relatives and family are still the subject of much debate. However it may be that they converted to Christianity long before he did, and then had to deal with their crazy, murderous uncle Paul.

63: Hierapolis & Pamukkale - Spuriously Phil-ed

This is a tourist hot spot for good reason. With beautiful natural formations and springs, amazing Roman ruins and rich Bible history. We shine a light on some spurious traditions about Philip the Apostle in this city. And then give a perspective of his life that you may not have considered. Then we take to the skies in a balloon at sunrise so see this breathtaking land.

64: Mount Ararat & Goebekli Tepe - Logistically Possible

This is the pinnacle of speculation as we have fun giving Noah and his family the credit they deserve, not for just building a big empty box, but by engineering a vessel that was capable of preserving the animal kingdom. You'll never look at his Ark the same way again...and it is all logistically possible.

65: Istanbul & Beyond - How To Turkey

How do you sum up a city with such rich history, culture and food? Well, you can't! Hahah. So instead, join us for some sights and sounds of this amazing city as well as some other great gems and sites that didn't make the final cut of Season 4.

Season 5: Israel & Palestine

(Premiered October 2022 - April 2023)

66: Megiddo - Mountain of Training

The same series of events, but from three different perspectives! Jump into the mind of Jeroboam, Jonah and Amos and how each one would have handled the training.

67: Lachish & Libnah - A Damp Squib Is Sennacherib

We all know what Hezekiah was dealing with when Assyria came to Judah...but what was going on in the life of the famous King Sennacherib? Let's jump into his life, family and completely change your view of him!


- The Enemy Within Series -

68: Shiloh & Bethel - Raiders Of The Ark [part 1]

It is a dark period in Israelite history in more ways than one. The period around Eli's time as High Priest is shrouded in mystery and debate. Leaving it to be heavily reliant on Rabbinic tradition and interpretation. In this four part series, we will pull together multiple storylines from the writings of Samuel. Beginning with questions that have baffled scholars for centuries... how did Eli become the High Priest and was it legitimate? Was the Tabernacle really at Shiloh? And where was Jephthah's daughter assigned? All this and more as we begin peeling back the layers of this complex debate and storyline.

69: Gezer, Gibathon & Ramah - Samuel's Last Crusade [part 2]

For part two, we jump into the minds of the Levites and follow Samuel's perspective as spiritual and political reconciliation begins. Then we introduce the personalities of Saul and Jonathan, both in a light you may have never considered before.

70: Elah Valley, Adullam & Keila - A New Hope [part 3]

With the descent of Saul a new hope for the unity of the nation arises. We introduce to our building storylines the perspectives of Abiathar, Zadok, Nathan and Gad as David rises to power as the anointed King of Israel.

71: Gibeon & Kiriath-Jearim - The Gibeonites Strike Back! [part 4]

The epic conclusion of the four part series! All the story lines converge at this point, and all becomes clear as we introduce the final perspective of all these events...the Gibeonites. From the time of spiritual darkness under Eli down to David and beyond, the Gibeonites provide the final pieces of the puzzle for how Jehovah kept the nation moving forward.


72: Nablus, Gerizim & Ebal - A West Side Story

We finally get to jump straight into the West Bank and the historic city of Nablus (Biblical Shechem). We jump you into the fantastic archeology from the time of Joshua and Gideon. And then we jump into the mind of the Samaritan woman at the well. What challenges did she face before and after meeting Jesus. And where exactly is Joshua's altar anyways?

73: Migdal, Chorazin & Tiberias - Mary Had A Little Fish

We jump into life in 1st Century Galilee and the industry that propelled the region. And with it, the story of a girl named Mary from Migdal and the challenges she would have faced as the congregation grew and apostasy spread.


- Rise & Fall of Judea Series -

74: Modiin & Akeed - We Be The Maccabees [part 1]

Who were the Hasmoneans? What caused this small town family of priests to cleanse the land of false worship and fight against the Seleucid Empire? We jump into the minds of worshipers from this often skipped historical period.

75: Herodium & Masada - I'm Not Angry... I'm Just Mad [part 2]

How do you feel being a worshiper of God as a Roman presence rises in the land and an untrustworthy, erratic and Edomite leader named Herod emerges? We jump into the mind of Anna and Zechariah as Herod wields power.

76: Sepporis & Beit Shaarim - I'm Feeling Sad You See [part 3]

Politics and religion were intertwined in Judea. But understanding how the government and politics worked, gives us insight into why Jesus was asked certain questions, and what challenges Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea may have faced.

77: Nazareth - Na Na Na Na Hey Jude [part 4]

It's a family with an extra element to spice things up and stoke the flames of sibling rivalry. What would it be like growing up with Jesus in your house? We can only imagine as we jump into the minds of Joseph, James and Jude. And how this family dynamic would have shaped their personalities.


78: Israel - Church of Close Enough

We often like to challenge tradition narratives and locations, and so for this one, we delve into the history of how some of these locations began. How close are they really to the Biblical account and are there more accurate alternatives for those that don't want to visit churches?

79: Hebron & Jericho - Unabated, Related & Constipated

Two short stories rolled into one episode! We jump into the mind and life of Achsah, the daughter of Caleb and wife of Othniel as we explore parts of Hebron. Then we jump into the details of Judge Ehud's time as a double agent as we show you the ruins of Jericho.

80: Samaria & Jezreel - A Ruff Ending

We celebrate 80 Episodes of Taste & See where it all began, Mount Carmel and talking about Ahab and Jezebel. We jump into the dynamics of their married life, how they found themselves on the throne and what life was like for them as we travel their two palace cities, Samaria and Jezreel.

Season 6: Crete, Malta, Sicily & Greece

(Premiered May 2023 to January 2024)

The Crete Series

81: Heraklion, Knossos & Tyslioss - Knoss-eously Confusing [part 1]

Who were the Philistines and where did they come from? This is not an easy question to answer and has caused scholars to debate the answer for centuries. So we start with the foundation of Moses' records, who were the Caphtorim and the Avvim? And what is the connection the the Minoans?

82: Agia Triada & Phiastos - Finding Phil [part 2]

We continue the story of the Philistine origins as we jump into the various migrations outlined in the Bible that created a confederation of migrants and how the accurate Septuagint rendering came about.

83: Mochlos, Gournia & Malia - The Bull By The Horns [part 3]

The saga finishes with the Biblical Cherethites and Pelethites and their role within Philistine and Israelite society, the religious background they came from, and how some fought side by side with God's anointed and prophets.

84: Fair Havens & Mt Ida - Paradoxically Honest

Was Paul racist against Cretans? This question has been debated for centuries. So for the answer, we need to jump back into Cretan history, the legend of Zeus, and the personality of Paul.

85: Gortyna - No Man Is An Island

We jump back into the life of Titus and how all the years of training came into play during his time in Crete.

86: Chania - Crete-icle Thinking

We wrap up with a food and travel guide for Crete as well as a quick peek into all the things we don't know about the congregations here. Did they respond to the counsel or no? Did Tychicus ever arrive? And more!


The Malta Series

87: The Malta Megaliths - You Can't Be Sirius
This one is about Job, that's right, Job. What does Job have to do with Malta? Well it's time to explore a continuation of Season 4's Logistically Possible. We show you some of the ancient temples of Malta's neolithic period (Ggigantija, Skorba, Ta Hagrit, Hagar Qim, Manajdra, Borg In-Nadur) and dive deep into the language and person of Job.

88: Valletta & Area - Punic In A Tunic

When Paul was shipwrecked on Malta, he was welcomed by a "foreign people", but maybe they weren't foreign after all. We'll be jumping into the Punic, Canaanite and Phoenician history to get a better glimpse on who they were.

89: St Paul's Bay & Area - The Inflammation Situation

We continue delving into Paul's shipwrecked time on this picturesque island, and humorously ponder his and Luke's perspective as their short trip to Rome continues to grind forward, snake bites and all.


The Sicily Series

90: Syracuse & Catania - Against The Wind

Paul's journey to Rome was more than he ever expected. Visiting more untouched territories and speaking to people he would likely never otherwise reach, and as he reaches Sicily, his trip may have taken yet another unexpected turn.

91: Selinunte & Agrigento - Purple People Eaters

As the Canaanites pack their bags to escape the constant losing, Sicily becomes the new frontier where the Noah curse will raise it's head and Greece and Rome turn their attention to the purple people.


The Greece Series

92: Neapolis & Kavala - Greece Is The Word

After numerous attempts, Paul and Silas accept that Bithynia is off the table. But a new door opens, Macedonia, something neither of them planned for. What went through their minds and how would they prepare for their entry to the port of Neapolis? Let's jump in!

93: Philippi - Medic School Dropout

Paul often takes the spotlight, but much of the success in Philippi may be courtesy of the man they left behind...for years. He's the doctor at a time where no school was needed for your phd, Dr. Luke.

94: Thessaloniki - Paul's The One That We Want

Paul is the number one target, again, by his opposers. And as this rapidly formed congregation comes under pressure, we take a look at what ones like Jason went through, as well as the efforts made to return.

95: Beroea & Pella - Look At Me, I'm Timothy

In the time of Alexander the Great, Beroea was on par with Pella and the other great Greek cities. So learning and education was in the forefront of their minds and culture. Making this a great setting for Silas to train Timothy for what would lie just ahead, his first solo assignment.

96: Athens - Hopelessly Devoted To Who?

Paul at the Areopagus is one of the highlights for Bible readers visiting Athens to visualize. But why was he there, and why would Epicureans and Stoics care about what he has to say? It is time to delve into Greek philosophy!

97: Corinth - Summer Nights

We focus on the many people that came from this amazing city and where they ended up. And why Paul had to learn that just because he wasn't finding success, doesn't mean others aren't.

98: The Mycenae Cities - Greece Lightning

Some try to use Greek mythology as a connection to Bible accounts like the Nephilim. Why do we know this 200 year old premise is wrong? What is the actual origin of the Greek gods and goddesses? It is time to finally put the nail in this coffin as we jump into the origins of Greek mythos.

99: Nicopolis - We Go Together (07/01/2024)

What are the challenges of writing 99 episodes of a Bible program? Nicopolis is the perfect place to talk about everything we don't know. What happened between Paul's two imprisonments? Why are there no maps? How do all the storylines intersect here, and what can you anticipate in the next hundred episodes?

Season 7: Israel, Italy and Albania

(2024-2025: Some production delayed due to Middle East conflicts)

100: HaBonim Beach - A Look Back at 100 Episodes

Episode number 100...yup, that's crazy! And so we pause the Bible research to reenact a behind the scenes on the origins of Taste & See and all the bumps and eureka moments along the way.

101: Druze Villages - In-Laws To Out-Laws 

This one is about the unsung hero of the Bible, Jethro.  He receives little credit for his shaping of the Israelite civil system, and even less credit for shaping Moses into the leader he became.  But not anymore!

102: Beit Shean - An Ex-Legion Region

It was the first international preaching assignment that Jesus handed out, and it was to a formerly demon possessed man.  What would it be like preaching in the Decapolis?  Let's find out!

103: Akko/Acre - Napoleon's Dynamite

Though there was little that happened here Biblically, Acre played a pivotal role in the secular history of the region for millennia, and even helped to kickstart Biblical archaeology.

The Italy Series

104: Rome - The Theophilus Brief

Theophilus is the reason the Luke wrote a gospel and acts of the apostles.  But who was he, and why did Luke need to get the details just right... it's time for a crash course in the Roman legal system!

105: Rome - Alone Again, Naturally

Paul is in prison ...again.  How do we know that he died in Rome?  We don't! We jump quickly into the origins of the traditions around Paul's death, but then just ask ourselves, what was he thinking at this point in his life?


106: Shivta & the Negev - Growing Pains

When we think of the Biblical patriarchs we tend to forget that, despite their faith, they were still imperfect and flawed. Isaac's family are a great case study in what happens when, despite faith, family communication breaks down.

107: Israel's Mountains - A Cacophony of Cartography (part 1)

When the 12 spies were sent out from Kadesh, how did they know where to go and how to get back?  And what were their assignment details? It's time to see how cartography must have played a role in their work.

108: Israel's Mountains - A Cacophony of Cartography (part 2)

When three from each tribe were sent out from Shiloh, their sole purpose was cartography.  What challenges did they face as they divided up the land?  Let's jump into their minds!

109: Finding Sinai - The Guidelines (part 1)

Finally! It is the Finding Sinai series. Obviously filming throughout Egypt and Saudi Arabia is neither cheap nor easy for an Israeli, but fear not, because this series is all about the research. Before anyone goes to film the real work is done in the office with books and maps. So how does one go about finding Mount Sinai? Well, this first episode will crack into the guidelines we used for research. Part two will be an in depth look at the traditional and Saudi theories regarding Mount Sinai. And Part 3 will about about starting fresh with the Bible, maps and a lot of patience as we find Sinai.

110: Finding Sinai - Examining the Theories (part 2)

In part two of this series we delve into the two most prominent theories: Jabal Musa in the south Sinai Peninsula, and Jabal al-Lawz in Saudi Arabia.

How did the identification of these mountains as Sinai come about? What are the Biblical and historical challenges to these theories? Before we get into our map, we first need to understand the history and challenges to the current maps.

111: Finding Sinai - A New Path Forward (part 3) 

Don't skip to the end, because the key to finding Sinai is using Moses' words to view the landscape, roads and regions they walked through, camp by camp, and follow the path that Moses describes. From where to start to where to end, we rely on the Bible and not traditions to pave the path forward. So join us in the long awaited finale to Finding Sinai!

112: Bet Shemesh & Tamar - ______

We delve into the live and wars of Amaziah and Jehoash and finally answer the question... what ever happened to the ark of the covenant?

113: Ziklag to the Southern Dead Sea - ________

We return to the storyline of David and Saul. This time to examine their tense relationship, Saul's battle with mental illness, and how things could have been different.

The Albania Series (filming delayed)

000: Durres & Apollonia - No Man's Land

(Filming on hiatus due to Israel-Hamas War)

How far did Paul reach on his third missionary tour? How did Paul know where to send Titus after Crete?  We examine Paul's words and how they stack up to modern Bible maps.

000: Butrint, Byllis & the Blue Eye - Titus The Barbarian

(Filming on hiatus due to Israel-Hamas War)

We are back talking about Titus and his adaptability and usefulness in more barbaric territories.  So let's jump in his head as he travelled from Nicopolis to Dalmatia.

Behind the Research

(2024 - Ongoing)

BTR01: The Fire-test Baals 

We go much deeper into the history of Melqart and Anat, the baal and ashera of Sidon and Tyre to help you see the true history recorded in the Bible that is often blurred by the generic understanding of early Bronze Age baal.

(Connected to Episode 1)

BTR02: The Imperfect Patriarchs

We dive deeper into our look at Issacs's family and the actions of Jacob against Esau.  If you thought the episode was an uncomfortable retelling of the story... just you wait and see what we cut from the episode!

(Connected to Episode 106)

BTR03: Abraham's City and Language 

One of our more "controversial" episodes was when we jumped into the question of what language did Abraham speak? Now we take it a little deeper into the research and also jump into the background on how Mesopotamian Ur came to be Abraham's city, and why the classification may require a second look.

(Connected to Episode 54)

BTR04: Ranking The Biblical Kings

It's a popular trend on YouTube and social media... tier lists! So it is time we made our own and want to invite you to also have fun with this type of study project. We often think of the Biblical Kings as only "good" or "bad". But what happens when we factor in their foreign and domestic policies? Are they a better or worse ruler? It is time for a whole new perspective... so follow along and make your own list as we Rank the Kings!

International Series

(July - December 2021)

INT01: Bangkok, Thailand - Thai-ing It All Together

Join Minna through the city of Bangkok Thailand. This introduction to Thai food and culture shows how this resilient people adapted to the centuries of war and cultural attacks. Coming out in the end, with flavors that Thai it all together.

See more of Minna's work on Instagram: www.instagram.com/enjoythaiventures

INT02: Tuliara, Madagascar - The Malagasy Fight

Join Justine and her husband Rodo as they introduce you to the beautiful and unique island of Madagascar, starting with their hometown: Toliara. You'll probably want the English closed captioning turned on, unless you are ready to practice your French.

See more of Rodo and Justine on their Instagram: www.instagram.com/guevaradimby

INT03: Florida, USA - How I Met Your Manatee

Bethany takes you to the side of Florida often unseen, the side without Mickey Mouse. Join her in the Florida Wildlife Corridor and learn about some of the residents of these wetlands. Then we finish by cooling off at a great local watering hole.

INT04: Isalo Park, Madagascar - You Might Say I'm A Lemur...

Isalo is a must see for any visitor to Madagascar. With scenic views, exotic plants and wildlife and locals hoping to get rich mining for gemstones. Justine and Rodo will help you explore it in entertaining fashion.

See more of Rodo and Justine on their Instagram: www.instagram.com/guevaradimby

INT05: Raymond Island, Australia - Drop On In Mate!

The best way to explore the great Down Under is to join Anjuli. She will introduce you to some of Australia's most iconic animals in a fun and entertaining way.

See more on her Instagram: www.instagram.com/koala_walkabout_tours

What Some Have Said

"You struck an excellent balance, you let us make connections and don’t tell us how to feel about it... The humor was great, your level of knowledge was reassuring... Above all the storytelling was excellent, which is necessary to truly bring blocks of stone alive. Best tour I’ve done, hands down."

"As a subscriber... I really not only enjoy the wholesome and informative content, but also the prompt caring response when I’ve had technical difficulties. Thanks so much for what you do! It is very much appreciated!!"